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  • 发布日期:2023-06-26 18:21
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 商务服务区域:湖南长沙市
  • 浏览次数26
  • 留言咨询



1. 项目目标和成效评估:评估项目的设计是否符合公益目标,以及项目实施的成效和影响。这包括评估项目的可行性、目标的达成程度、项目对受益人的影响等。

2. 资金使用和财务透明度评估:评估项目的资金使用情况,确保资金使用合规和透明。这包括对项目预算的监督、财务报告的审查,以及确保项目资金使用符合相关法规和规定。

3. 社会影响评估:评估项目对社会的积极影响和改变。这可以包括对社区发展、环境保护、社会公正等方面的影响评估,以及项目对受益人生活质量和社会参与的影响评估。

4. 项目管理和运行评估:评估项目的管理和运行情况,包括项目的组织结构、人员配备、决策机制、项目监控和评估机制等。评估项目是否按照计划和预期进行,并提出改进建议。

5. 参与度和社会合作评估:评估项目的参与度和社会合作情况,包括项目对受益人和社区的参与程度、项目与其他利益相关者的合作情况等。评估项目的合作模式和参与机制是否有效,并提出改进建议。



Third party evaluation of social welfare

Third-party evaluation of social welfare refers to the assessment and monitoring of social welfare programs or initiatives by independent organizations or entities. These third-party evaluators are external to the program implementers and beneficiaries, and their role is to provide objective and impartial evaluations.

The content of third-party evaluation of social welfare can include the following:

1. Program Design and Implementation: evaluating the design and implementation of social welfare programs to determine their effectiveness in addressing the targeted social issues or needs. This involves assessing the program's goals, strategies, target population, and implementation processes.

2. Impact Assessment: Assessing the social impact and outcomes of the welfare programs. This includes evaluating the program's effectiveness in achieving its intended outcomes, such as poverty reduction, improved education, healthcare access, employment, and social inclusion.

3. Efficiency and Resource Allocation: evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of resource allocation within the social welfare programs. This involves assessing the program's budget management, cost-effectiveness, and utilization of resources.

4. Stakeholder Engagement: evaluating the level of stakeholder engagement and participation in the program, including beneficiaries, community organizations, and other relevant stakeholders. This includes assessing the mechanisms for stakeholder involvement, feedback mechanisms, and the responsiveness of the program to stakeholder needs and concerns.

5. Policy Relevance and Sustainability: Assessing the program's alignment with social welfare policies, its contribution to policy objectives, and its potential for long-term sustainability. This involves evaluating the program's responsiveness to changing social needs, policy coherence, and adaptability.

6. Accountability and Transparency: evaluating the program's accountability mechanisms, transparency in decision-making, and reporting of program outcomes and impacts. This includes assessing the program's adherence to ethical standards, legal requirements, and the availability of accurate and accessible information for stakeholders.

7. The third-party evaluation of social welfare programs provides an independent and objective assessment of program effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. It helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, ensuring that social welfare initiatives are evidence-based, responsive to community needs, and accountable to stakeholders. The evaluation findings can inform decision-making, program refinements, and policy development to enhance the overall effectiveness and impact of social welfare interventions.

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